
Monday, August 11, 2008

Chief Bickish?

No, it won't be happening, but it could have. Last week Chris found out that he had been selected to be promoted from Petty Officer First Class to Chief. That is a big honor in the Navy. It is such a big promotion that they have an induction season that lasts a little over a month for the chief selectees. So why won't Chris be a chief? Well there are two reasons. The first is the logistics of time. The new chiefs will be "frocked" on September 14 or 15 - just 2 weeks before it is time for Chris to come home. The induction requires quite an outlay of money for new uniforms and all of the induction activities. We were not sure that it would be worth the expense for only 2 weeks as "Chief Bickish". The second and more significant reason is that the induction season involves a month of praising the Navy life excessively and equally "bashing" your family. If you know the man of this house, you know that there is no way he could participate in that. So, he turned it down.

In any case ... Congratulations, Honey! It is awesome that you were chosen and that you accomplished all this in your 8 years of service.

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